Description of the School
Hubbertville School is a K - 12 school located in rural Glen Allen, Alabama. The school is the heartbeat of the community and most activities are associated with the school in some way. A community park located adjacent to the school is used for sporting events and physical education classes. A pavilion provides the setting for school-related activities and also serves as a site for school standardized testing. Additionally, it is used for community activities. Another building houses our Pre-k program, secured with a grant, which is proving to be a vital resource for our children. Hubbertville is one of six schools in the county, the only K - 12 school. It is located twelve miles from the county seat of Fayette, 55 miles from Tuscaloosa, and 75 miles from Birmingham, one of the largest cities in Alabama. The school is a Title 1 school with 62% of the total population of 432 qualifying for free or reduced-price lunch. Racially, the school is composed of 99% Caucasian and less than 1% of all other races. There is a 9.7% special education population with three resource teachers, one K-4, one 5-7 and another 8-12, as well as a gifted resource teacher. Sixty-five percent of the special education population qualifies for free or reduced-price lunch. Administration consists of one principal and one part-time assistant principal. Approximate student average daily attendance rate is 98.7%; teacher attendance is up from the previous year. The graduation rate for the past few years has been 100%. Thirty-seven percent of our faculty are graduates of Hubbertville School, with 47% of our faculty having advanced degrees and others working toward an advanced degree.
Our school has a very disciplined and outstanding athletic program. Currently, football, basketball,baseball and softball are offered, with other sports being considered. A high percentage of our student body participates in either athletics, band, or cheerleading. This participation contributes to commitment from the students and higher levels of involvement from the parents. With the efforts of our faculty and staff, grants have been secured to offer an after school program to our students in K - 12. Highly qualified teachers offer tutoring and outside resource people offer enrichment activities to program participants. Approximately 85 students take advantage of this opportunity. Through a cooperative relationship with Bevill State Community College, the Trio program is offered to our students. Ten students are members of Upward Bound, an after-school opportunity in which the students receive tutoring and small group counseling four hours per week, the target of which is to increase the number of first generation, low income graduates who continue to college. Upward Bound Math and Science will be added this year which will target STEM and will be offered as an after school program. Educational Talent Search, the second component of the trio program, serves approximately 40 students throughout the year encouraging college attendance. The third component of the Trio program is the Student Support Services program which provides continued support to our students once they begin their college level work. This program is offered at Bevill continuing the support that targets first-generation, low-income students. Membership in clubs keeps our student body actively-engaged in our school.
Our assessment program is multi-faceted. Students in grades 1-10 participate in Scantron Performance Series. This is an adaptive test which identifies each individual students mastery based upon grade level indicators. Growth for each individual student is the goal with targets for year end levels. Areas tested are reading, math, science, and language. Remediation for deficiencies are built in to the performance series. Juniors take the ACT, PSAT and ASVAB. Online and classroom resources are employed to prepare our juniors for the spring administration of the ACT. The PSAT is optional and provides an opportunity for scholarship opportunities as well as preparation for the SAT.
The ASVAB integrates a career interest inventory with their assessment which gives the students guidance toward careers that correlate their ability and interests. The ASVAB is also an indicator of ACT performance. Seniors use Keytrain and Work keys to prepare them for the administration of the Work Keys assessment. Students receive a National Career Readiness certificate based upon their score with a target of silver certificate. The use of technology for testing, remediation, and the classroom prepare our students for future school and employment opportunities. A career coach provides assistance with our career tech program and our guidance program offering career guidance for grades 9-12.
The eighth grade students have a wonderful opportunity to attend the Worlds of Work at Shelton State in Tuscaloosa. The local board of education provides transportation for our students to the event. The students explore 9 worlds and experience hands-on exhibits. This promotes career awareness and job market availability in our local area. Students in grades 9-12 have the opportunity to attend. Coordination between our local community college, local high schools, and business and industries presents a Career and Industry Day for our 11th graders. College Day is offered to our 12th grade and is held at Bevill. Our school participates in College Application Week and Cash for College. During this event, 100% of our students apply to at least one college and FAFSA application information is presented. FAFSA night is held at our local school to assist and inform parents on how to fill out the application and to inform them of scholarship opportunities for their students. Dual Enrollment opportunities as well as AP class opportunities are available to our students via ACCESS online classes and our local community college. The Rural Health Scholars is offered for students accepted in the program. This encourages students interested in medicine to come back to their rural community to practice medicine.
Unlike many schools in our area, Hubbertville accepts foreign exchange students. This gives our students insight to different cultures. Our local community assists our school via some local clubs that are very supportive. The athletic program is supported by the Hubbertville Boosters Club. A new club was established this year, The Hub Club, that offers scholarship opportunities and other support services to our school and community. The PTO is very supportive and assists our teachers with supplies and has paid for leadership seminars for our students.
Our mission is to teach our children to love to learn, to love and respect themselves and others, to love our community, state and country, to rise up to the challenge of life, to take pride in the results of hard work, and to value and pursue only that which is honorable. Our vision is that our school will provide curriculum and instruction that stresses collaboration, communication, and problem solving. Common Core state standards will provide a vision for college- and career-ready students. Technology will provide students with a global awareness that will prepare them for global workplace success. Our school's tiered intervention process will target achievement gaps and low-achieving students and will incorporate strategies that support and accelerate student achievement. Character education and service learning will continue to be provided to develop morals and values. Our core beliefs about students are:- All students can learn.
- All students learn at different paces and have different learning styles.
- Motivated students are productive students.
- Students' basic needs must be met before learning can occur.
- Our core beliefs about teachers:
- Collaboration and positive relationships assist good learning.
- Teachers must be involved in the decision-making process of the school and are committed to carrying out the goals of the school.
- Technology must be integrated into instruction in a 21st-century learning environment.
- Teachers must be willing to change to meet the needs of the school and students.
Our core beliefs about school and community:- Families need to be positive and active in the education of students.
- The school makes decisions based on the needs of the students.
- Active communication must exist between school, families, and communities.
- All school personnel are important in the education of students.