Description of the School

  • Fayette Elementary School (FES) portrays a warm and positive atmosphere that serves 467 students, kindergarten through fourth grade, in northwest Alabama. Unique features at FES include, but not limited to, two intervention teachers, an on-site literacy coach, an on-site math coach. The school also offers the STARS After School Program. 

    The purpose of FES is to help our students develop socially, emotionally, and cognitively, which describes the school's motto: "Fayette Elementary School - Where Children Come First." This motto helps promote the theme "Look closely and you will see there is a Leader in Me." The goal at FES is to create leaders of tomorrow. 

    The faculty and staff at FES work hard to prepare our students for the real world through rigorous, academic content that will assist them in becoming life-long learners, which will, in turn, help them succeed in college or career choices. The success of FES is achieved through the implementation of rigorous curriculum and College and Career Ready standards based instruction. FES firmly believes in the three R's: I will be "RESPECTFUL," "RESPONSIBLE," and "RESOURCEFUL."