Description of the School

  • Fayette Middle School is the only middle school in Fayette County. It is located in the town of Fayette and is approximately 45 minutes from Tuscaloosa. As a Title I School, we serve grades 5-8. Over half of the 400 students at Fayette Middle School qualify for free and reduced lunches. The school also has a large special education population that requires the assistance of 3 resource teachers and 7 paraprofessionals. Our county population consists of about 87 percent Caucasian, 12 percent African American, .70 percent other races (Hispanic, Asian, etc.). Our student average attendance rate is 95.59 percent while our teacher attendance is 85.53 percent (including professional leave) and 91.71 (excluding professional leave).

    The climate of FMS is one that is geared towards a positive environment where students are encouraged to pursue leadership roles. While adopting our own mission statement, we embrace the district mission: "to provide a safe, disciplined, learning environment that empowers all students to develop their full potential." We believe that in consistently safe and healthy environment all students can become responsible, respectful, and resourceful. We believe students learn best when actively engaged in the learning process. Education is a collaborative partnership involving school, family, and community. At FMS, we strive to build lasting relationships among students and staff that encourage open discussion and provide activities that develop our students' strengths. Much time is allotted for collaborative planning and resources are used wisely to impact student and teacher learning.