
  • Welcome to the FCHS Library Media Center!  We welcome all students and teachers to take advantage of our resources.

    Our resources include books, newspapers, 20 computer workstations with wireless printing, chromebooks, Viewsonic Board, Multi-media table, LCD Projector, TV, wireless internet access, scanner, comb binder, laminator, and copy machine.

    OPAC: Online Public Access Catalog Search for resources here.


    Our hours are Monday through Friday, 7:35-3:15.  After hours are available upon request.

    Book checkout policy

    Students may check out up to two books at a time.  Students should have permission from a teacher to come to the library during another class.  Teachers may reserve the library for their classes to do research. Check with Mrs. Canterbury for availability.

    Library Media Center Vision Statement

    The vision of the Fayette County Schools' Library Media program is to promote, encourage, and cultivate academic excellence in the Library Media Center, as well as in other areas of the school in technology and learning.

    Library Media Center Mission Statement

    The mission of the Fayette County Schools' Library Media program is to support the State and District curricula.  The goal is to increase student achivement, encourage reading, and prepare students to be efficient users of information.





  • Mrs. Wendy Canterbury
    Library Media Specialist

    Mrs. Canterbury